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Rumble = https://rumble.com/user/SweetHomeStAugustine

Locals = https://sweethomesa.locals.com/

POPULIST REVOLT = https://populistrevolt.com


WASHINGTON is stealing more than 80 per cent of Syria’s oil resources every day, the Ministry of Oil and Mineral Resources says as US forces continue to plunder the country’s natural resources.

According to the ministry, Syrian oil production for the first half of 2022 amounted to 14.5 million barrels, an average of 80,300 a day.

But it has accused the US occupying forces of the theft of 66,000 barrels a day, which amounts to just over 83 per cent of Syria’s oil output.

Syria’s government accuses Washington of smuggling oil out of the country via an illegal crossing into Iraqi Kurdistan.

Regular reports from the ground have been backed by footage and photographs appearing to show large ...

Selection Code

YouTube = https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGobVm8zABdoMmv8Fbc1wMg

Rumble = https://rumble.com/user/SweetHomeStAugustine

POPULIST REVOLT = https://populistrevolt.com

Was 2020 stolen? It’s deeper than that.

You’ve heard it said “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.”

What about those who code the vote?

What if our leaders aren’t actually being elected by us, but instead… selected?

[S]ELECTION CODE follows the story of Tina Peters the County Clerk in Mesa Colorado, who made a backup of her counties Dominion Voting System server, only to stumble across evidence of manipulation in a recent local city council election…. and also the 2020 general election. Tina’s discovery ignites a chain reaction upending her life. And upending the world.

You will not be able to unsee what you see.

We stand at an apex in human history. Are we handing too much power to technology – and those that program it?

[S]ELECTION CODE is a political ...

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